My Bud and 6 stringer Jim Tomaszewski from Trainwreck got us tickets to see
British Lion at the Forge Wednesday night. There were two openers, 1 local
Chicago band that had a name too complicated to remember. The Picture books 2
member band with the drummer that has no cymbals.
Our Constitutional Republic - YouTube A History Video that hasn’t been
pulled from YouTube. Explaining how we are NOT a Democracy, Never were Never
will be. What the Difference is and how we correct and hold congress
accountable for their treason, sedition and breaking their oath of office
Since the mid 90’s the
browser war has raged. Netscape, Microgarbage, advent of
webkit, etc. Well now the war is in the courts using CDM, and DRM to control
Apparently now the Licensing of this content protection is going to allow for the
restriction of the client software you can use to access this protected data.
While searching around github today I came across a plugin for
mu4e that is
bringing mail closer to what I had with mutt. I switched away from mutt to
bring all mail into emacs (spacemacs must have my Vim bindings). mu4e handles
maildir and multiple account very well. As well as using Xapian to index the
mail, making it’s searching extremely fast. I was missing Tagging though.
Which brings me to
mu4e-goodies There are two repos in github so make sure to
check out the linked repo that belongs to panjie. There is a little file in
there called mu4e-goodies-tags.el that implements X-Keyword tags functions to
your mail. In spacemacs I use my own
configuration layer to load and adjust
spacemacs to do my bidding. The files are not available in elpa so one must use
the github fetcher.
Well I’ve now learned what having a kidney stone feels like. I cannot say that I
ever really wanted to know. Saturday morning Sep 22nd I woke at 3 am with
abdominal Pain and nausea. After trying to live through it till Sunday Morning,
when I checked into the ER. Had a CT and Blood work. The CT showed a 10mm Stone.
YAY!? I was Wheeled up to surgery where they put in a stint. Why the Sonic
popping thing wasn’t done was, as explained to me, that it was an elective
surgery and there was a line. So Due to that and the ,unknown to me at the time,
seriousness of this issue. When one cannot pass the stone one could die from
pressure build up in the kidney. Anyway the Stint is keeping the path from
kidney to bladder open for now.. Monday I will see a Chicago area doctor and get
it address further. Removal or disbursement at least.
So I’m headed to San Antonio the last week of September to visit corp HQ
for Rackspace and visit friends that I haven’t see in a year, since
moving back to Chicago
SO! I was practicing last night and started the session as I always do
by tuning. A string was a bit flat so I started to increase the tension,
and nothing… so I released tension to tighten back into the proper 440
A. and the string falls out of the bridge. What The ‘Fargin Bastages’?
Yea after attempting to restring the pin falls out of the tuning key.
Figure 1: Hole in the headstock where a tuner should be