Snuffy's Web Blitching

The Ramblings and Pondering that come to the A.D.D Mind

Jan 13, 2021 - 1 minute read - blog

New Blogging Platform Hugo and Emacs/Org-mode

The Blog I am currently moving back to a static content site for Blogging. The reasons are for an easier path to release new content and get the data out. I have this now published and out. Hopefully it will work out better for everyone.

Jan 12, 2021 - 3 minute read - politics

Our? Country

Any who know me know that I don’t hide or even limit the voicing of my opinions. This will be no different. I no longer call our county the United States of America. We are only the States of America, as we are no longer united. I’ve also maintained for years that the county is too big and needs to be separated. We do not have representation in Washington. (without representation I don’t have to pay taxes right!) Take a look at They have the right Idea. Specifically This Status Article, and This on tolerated secession.

Figure 1: Reality Globe

Figure 1: Reality Globe

Oct 22, 2020 - 1 minute read - politics

Is Illinois Shutting Down Again?

Well our Prictator is at it again.. The latest numbers show almost 70 Dying OF the CCP Virus. I cannot believe that the Illinois Supreme court is not Stringing this governor up by the neck Tarred and Feathered. Spend Spend Spend with income dwindling. Save a Civil War Starting Earlier, The Plan to Exit is still June Like this is some sort of Science. Explaining and publishing these ILLEGAL and Via court Rescinded emergency powers.

Oct 17, 2020 - 1 minute read - politics

Covid And Biden 2020 Sucks

I haven’t written much to keep myself out of Jail for what I want to say. I hear Politician’s Saying even worse things, so I’m safe. The Undoubted Unrest that will come after Trump wins on November 3rd. all attempts to delay will get tyrants killed. Covid is not the Black Plague that was going to kill us all. So this will eventually turn around and we can get business going again.

Aug 3, 2020 - 1 minute read - politics

Wsj Media Shame Silencing

“Part of George Orwell’s genius lay in his insight that manipulation of language was essential to the revolutionary project. If you can command popular compliance with a lexicon that reorders—or even inverts—the widely understood meaning of political terms, you can remake society as much as you can with any law, mandate or act of force.” - wsj The News Media Becomes Fluent in Newspeak - WSJ

May 11, 2020 - 3 minute read - world politics

Epoch Times: Health Experts Say Pandemic Could Lead To 154,000 Deaths Of Dispair

Health experts warn that as pandemic-driven hardship puts added strain on the mental health of Americans, tens of thousands of lives may be lost due to outbreak-fueled drug or alcohol abuse and suicide.

Public health group Well Being Trust, in a new study published on May 8 (pdf), states that the COVID-19 outbreak could lead as many as 154,037 Americans to die additional “deaths of despair.”

Figure 1: Police Opioid overdose ems

Figure 1: Police Opioid overdose ems

Full Story Health Experts Say Pandemic Could Lead to 154,000 ‘Deaths of Despair’ Due to …

May 6, 2020 - 3 minute read - politics

400 pork plant workers without symptoms test positive for CCP virus

This (Chinese Communist Party) CCP Virus Epoch Time Article This (Chinese Communist Party) CCP Virus At the Beginning this was quite scary. Too many unknowns. Now Governors, especially PRICKster, have (ORDER NOT LAW) to wear masks. (lock the barn after the horses run out). This is quite tyrannical and the Illinois Militia needs to rise up at take our state back from the would be dictators of the (mostly) democratic party Leave comments with either contact info or hit me up for gather locations.

Apr 1, 2020 - 1 minute read - technology

DarkSky Dumps Android App, Moving to Apple Only

I’ve been using the darksky app for a couple years now. It’s the most accurate and fun weather app on my phone. I’ve also used the website for Daily Screen shots of the current weather. This is now changing. Dark Sky Blog Announced that they have merged/joined Apple. This isn’t really a problem except for the Dumping of the Android application version of their service. Hopefully people now see the evil of proprietary software.