Mama Wanted another Baby boy, after the passing of our Super Pooper. When we were up in Illinois for My Mom’s Celebration of Life, we found a breeder of Austrailian Sheperd Dogs. We found Kodi, and picked him up near Indianapolis on our way back to Home, Florida

Born July 27 2022, Now 6 months he’s just about 40lbs and breed standard is 50-65lbs for adult males. Is he a Red merel or a Blue merel, I don’t think he can make up his mind so I’ll call him a b-red merel.
He gets along with Sydney, yet she is not too keen on him. She has never been big on “dog friends”, She loves people

Sydney with Ice cream Coma ( 2022 Birthday )

Those Eyes!

Mama and Kodiak

BABY Splat

Double size Still a Splat

I Want those Cheezes Dad

New Teefs

Growing Like a weed

Kodi goat

Play Hard one must then sleep hard.. Yes the carpet is being replaced with tile. Carpet and Florida Humidity don’t mix well. Pee stains don’t help.

*update 2024 january This Punk looks so Angelic. “When Sleeping”!
But really he’s come up backwards to Jazz and Sydney He was very independent at first but now is a cuddle bug, Wiggle Butt.