Snuffy's Web Blitching

The Ramblings and Pondering that come to the A.D.D Mind

Jan 30, 2020 - 1 minute read - music

British Lion Attacks Joliet the Forge

The Deets

Figure 1: British Lion

Figure 1: British Lion

My Bud and 6 stringer Jim Tomaszewski from Trainwreck got us tickets to see British Lion at the Forge Wednesday night. There were two openers, 1 local Chicago band that had a name too complicated to remember. The Picture books 2 member band with the drummer that has no cymbals.

Figure 2: The Picture Books

Figure 2: The Picture Books

British Lion Took the Stage and It was good to see Harris again.

Figure 3: Steve Harris

Figure 3: Steve Harris

I didn’t recognize most of the songs. The sound was less than optimal, a lot of reflection from the hard surfaces of the bar. The Signature Clack of the Fender Precision was there though. I still can’t believe he plays Flats and gets that clack. The entire band put on a good show, very engaging, Lots of guitar harmonies, they stood out. As with most metal shows the bass drum was way too loud and droned out most of the other low end tones.

Figure 4: British Lion

Figure 4: British Lion

Over all We all had a good time. Spent too much on Drinks $5 20oz beer, that is nucking futz
