Snuffy's Web Blitching

The Ramblings and Pondering that come to the A.D.D Mind

Oct 20, 2014 - 1 minute read - Comments - snuffstuff

Slipknot & Korn


My cousin “=Robert“= was able to get a few Tickets for the Korn Slipknot show here in San Antonio on Sun. Nov 2, 2014 7:00 PM Looking forward to the show.

Update November 3, 2014,

I Went to the show last night, The bands seemed to do a great job. Where we were sitting the sound for Korn was good. The bass drum was a bit over bearing the bass. The Slipknot show was (sound wise) very disappointing. The First 20 min one could hardly hear the singer. The floor and upper tom’s were louder than the bass drum, and it seemed that the cymbals were stage volume only, not seeming to come through the PA at all. I thoroughly enjoyed the stage show. They were very engaged with the crowd and would pump up the audience at even the slightest Lull. Around the 9th song the vocal volume was fixed and the guitar leads were finally discern-able. Over all I enjoyed the eve.

I have to call out Roberts truck, The Longhorn edition Ram. More buttons than I’ve seen in a Cadillac. One could argue too many, and that much more to go wrong, But I liked it.

Tags: music family

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