“I refuse to “unpack white violence.” I reject the idea that my existence “perpetuates white power structures.” I will not — and in fact cannot — “examine my implicit biases.” I am’ an individual. I refuse to grant determined interpretive communities authority over my being. My meaning is mine. It is what makes me, me.”
Mama Wanted another Baby boy, after the passing of our
Super Pooper When we
were up in Illinois for My
Mom’s Celebration of Life, we found a breeder of
Austrailian Sheperd Dogs. We found Kodi, and picked him up near Indianapolis on
our way back to
Born July 27 2022, Now 6 months he’s just about 40lbs and breed standard is
50-65lbs for adult males. Is he a Red Merle or a Blue Merle, I don’t think he
can make up his mind so I’ll call him a b-red Merle.
Our Baby Boy Jazzy has passed away August 17th 2022,
He had been suffering from seizures since 2012 and had them about ever 30 to 50
days. He was on a regimen of medications that kept him from clustering of 5 to 7
in a twenty four hour period. I personally always believed that one of these
seizures would take him. For 10 years he would have a grand maul for about 2-3
minuets, be out of it for about another 10 with small twitching then pop up and
have an adrenaline dump. This included barking searching for food, as the
sniffer started working again first, and searching for Mama.
I’m not sure if anyone is even reading this blog. It doesn’t really matter if no
one does. I get my frustration and the concepts in my head out on
(screen/paper). I struggle to keep from verbally berating every liberal (
grumble grumble ##@%# ) I meet, especially on reddit. So I’ve actually started
to look for like minded people that, also, stress about not physically injuring
the (can’t fix stupid) crowd, I’m talking to you Brandon (the quicker fucker
upper) Best economic growth in 40 years MY ASS!
Liberals tell us that everything is racist but, let’s face it, everything is a
lot of stuff and it takes time to catalog these things. The Leftists Against
Racial Discrimination And Sane Sensibility (LARD-ASS) was hard at work all year
and this is what they found to be racist in 2021:
Farmer’s Markets:
Washington State University determined that farmer’s markets are “white spaces”
that “center whiteness” and promote “white supremacy” and “white dominate
culture.” Additionally, the university decided that white people donating foods
to people of color is racist because, “Efforts to offer food free of charge
presumes ‘that low income and or BIPOC communities and individuals (and that’s
not necessarily one in the same) cannot provide or make decisions for
We have decided to escape Illinois tyranny. For reasons outlined in other posts
and benefits like no state income tax, Sane local government, and
entrepreneurial opportunity. We’ve Found a house and got through the bidding
wars of Naples Florida. We close on June 1st. 1266 Sq Feet 1.14 Acre lot. We’re
super Excited NO SNOW! or
2020 and by extension the pandemic year which I believe started on March 3rd,
2020 We have had all kinds of CRAP thrown at us Prictator governors , The
ushering in of a new communist regime, Protecting Gender dysphoria mental
disorders and trying to change the LAW without due process and representation.
Well Now on top of the Plandemic and the tyrannical lock downs that have done
more harm than good.. we have the snow in of 2021
With all the censorship going on around the net. and Big Tech wielding their
monopolistic power, I have come across other methods of content acquisition as
well as other sources that think as I do. On such source found on
LBRY , is
content from David Wood and his
Video on Why George Orwell wrote 1984. It is a
good watch as well as many of his other videos.